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  • Finland | India
Global Conclave on ‘Redefining Education: A Finnish Perspective’

Global Conclave on ‘Redefining Education: A Finnish Perspective’

Date: 26th January 2023, 3:00 pm St. Teresa’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam, hosted a global conclave on ‘Redefining Education: A Finnish Perspective’ in partnership with the University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education (HY+) in association with VentureVillage and Q Collective. The event took place in the College Arts Auditorium on Thursday, 26 January, at 3 PM. The Chief Guest for […]

MoU Signing

MoU Signing

VentureVillage is proud to announce our partnership with the University of Helsinki. VentureVillage has signed an agreement with the Center for Continuing Education (HY+) at the University of Helsinki to facilitate teacher training courses offered by the University of Helsinki in India. University of Helsinki’s Centre for Continuing Education HY+ is a fully owned subsidiary of the University of Helsinki, […]

Next Batch Begins on June 8th

Next Batch Begins on June 8th

Next batch of the Foundations of ECEC STEM, program will start on 8th of June 2022 Important Dates for June 2022 batch Last date to enroll for the course : 6th June 2022 Course Accesses: 7th June 2022 Webinar date : 8th June 2022 – 6:30 to 7:30 PM IST

Meeting with KITE

Meeting with KITE

Delegation from University of Helsinki met with Mr. Anvar Sadath (Director, Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education) on 17th October, 2019Representatives from the University of Helsinki, Mr. Matti Pettay (Coordinator for Indian Cooperation- University of Helsinki) and Ms. Pirjo Silfversten (Director, Transnational Education, University of Helsinki), held a meeting with Mr. Anvar Sadath in KITE Office, Poojappura. They were given […]